There had to be 1,000 cars go thru there that night so we had to keep moving...not the ideal situation for taking pictures of christmas lights. So this is all I got!
After a night of not enough sleep - I read a Fitness Magazine article about " The Link Between Weight and Sleep ". Of course one night isn't going to make that much of a difference but I do know that after being up late or out late.... I'm certainly prone to hoover anything in sight the next day. Trying to narrow down what could be disrupting your sleep… do you have trouble falling asleep or staying asleep. For me (last night) was a combo of thunderstorms and sore/tired muscles. But typically I do have trouble staying asleep…I wake up at what seems like the smallest thing. Fitness Magazine says: T he Link Between Weight and Sleep….one word: hormones. When you’re sleep-deprived your fat tissue decreases its production of leptin, a hormone thought to suppress appetite. Leptin production peaks at night when you’re asleep. If you’re not getting enough shuteye, leptin production falls off. Sleep more, weigh less! Well kind of…. It certainly helps but gettin...
How to Survive the Holidays...One Bite at a Time! October through December can be a minefield of challenges for those who struggle with the eat-repent-repeat cycle . Food is everywhere, from your television to your child’s trick-or-treat stash. The constant exposure may eventually lead to cravings, overeating, holiday buffet-hangovers, guilt, and vows to do better tomorrow—or on January 2nd. The best strategy is to eat what you love fearlessly . While that may sound counter-intuitive, studies have shown that labeling the foods you love as forbidden can actually increase their power over you. When you think of the foods you love as "bad," you may feel guilty for even wanting them, and deprived because you’re not supposed to eat them. As a result, you may yourself visiting the break room in search of holiday treats. Eat What You Love, Love What You Eat Banish the special occasion mentality. You'll be less temp...
Got this from Chalene Johnson's blog ! This is so true!! People ask for advice all the time... How can I get motivated? What can I do? Only YOU can do the work, get yourself motivated, and make the decisions it takes to get healthy!! It's NOT easy... if it were EVERYONE would be doing it!! You will have ups and downs.... it won't always be butterflies and rainbows. But you WILL feel good and ~ ENERGIZED ~ !!! My Turbo Fire package is on it's way. I'M PUMPED! It's gonna be tough but I feel the need for a challenge.... and I'm SURE TURBO FIRE will do just that.