Happy 2009 to all!!  The Herman's are getting into shape this year...We bought a Wii Fit for the family for Christmas and we are working out. 

Lucas is "training" to get himself ready for turkey season.  He's hoping to get his second turkey with his bow this year.  He's got a lot of work to do but he's committed to working on it.  

Sarah has become quite the Herman Chef....we got her an easy bake oven for Christmas so she's baked a couple of cake and made us dinner.  She is such a good helper!!  

Baxter is crazy as ever...Lucas and Dan are determined to make him into a "huntin' dog".  We'll see how that goes...

Hope all is well with everyone...sorry it has taken us so long to get this sent out but we've been busy.  Please enjoy the photos we've loaded and keep checking back for more!  


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