Change is coming!

With the time falling back this coming weekend it's going to get dark earlier and earlier - which in our house brings on the urge to hibernate!  BUT... I keep telling myself that a 30-45 min workout is less than 4% of my day!!  And with all the resources I have there are NO EXCUSES!!  

I really struggle with motivation in the winter months... but I've joined some challenges and I WILL stay on track! 

I found a great article on Body & Soul with a few tips on how to stay motivated during the winter months: 

Set a goal! - keep them simple and small
Focus on the benefits - how great you feel!
REWARD YOURSELF - when you reach one of the goals you've set - celebrate!  

Another article from FITBIE gave readers tips -

  • “I mark my daily Outlook calendar with my workouts as if they were actual appointments. It helps me make sure I plan around them and don’t bail at the last minute.” – Jesse Y., Phoenix, AZ 
  • “This may sound silly, but I keep a dress in my closet that is my ‘ideal’ size (not too small and not too big). I check it with it a couple of times and then I can see what I need to work on.” –Tiana M., Poughkeepsie, NY
  • “[Exercise] helps me to cope with the winter blues, and the added plus is that I feel better and have more energy when I exercise.” –Lori W., Williamsville, NY 
Ways to stay motivated is going to be different for everyone... find what works for you and GO WITH IT!

Be kind toourself and CELEBRATE all your victories along the way!


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