Fall 5% SparkPeople Pre-Challenge Assignments

Assignment #1: Post Exercise Plan (9/29/13)

Strength Training - Mon/Wed/Fri 30 minutes 

Cardio - Mon-Fri 30-50 minutes - (5-6 days each week) 
(will plan schedule on personal spreadsheet) 
* Walk on trail at lake 
* You Tube (Jessica Smith, Pop Sugar, Fitness Blender) 
* Turbo Fire 
* Turbo Jam 


Assignment #2: Post Eating plan (9/30/13)

I will be following something similar to what @STEPBYSTEP1955 is doing: 

1. Eat between 1200 and 1550 calories daily - tracking on SP 

2. Eat protein with every meal 

3. Eat starchy/simple carbs earlier in the day; only fibrous carbs after 5pm. (this one peaked my interest so I'm hoping to learn more and master this one) 

4. Eat the recommended fruits and veggies daily 

5. Practice portion control - Stop when I'm satisfied! 

6. Limit my sweets - already a goal of mine 


Assignment #3: Update your Spark Page 


Assignment #4: Follow Today's WIN LIST (10/2/13)


Brkfst 1 hr within waking
Healthy Mid-AM Snack
Drank 64oz Water
KILLED my scheduled WRKT for the day
Random Act of Fitness
Healthy Mid-PM Snack
Controlled my portions (lunch/dinner)
Only had dessert IF this was my ONE dessert night
To bed at scheduled time (7 hrs)


Assignment #5: Follow / PLAN with Tomorrow's WIN LIST (10/3/13)


Water bottle ready for AM workout?
Healthy Snacks and lunch ready for tomorrow
Workout clothes ready
Workout scheduled for tomorrow
Scheduled bed time (7 hrs)


Assignment #6: MOTIVATION - (10/4/13)

What do I want to achieve with this team/challenge? I want to lose 5% - 7.5 lbs! 
1) To feel better about myself 
2) To get better control over what I eat and when 
3) To have my clothes fit better 
4) To meet a new group of supportive, strong women 


Assignment #7: Triggers (10/5/13)

What trigger foods or drinks cause me to eat the wrong foods? 

1) Alcohol is certainly a trigger for me to "jump the track" - I eat bad, too much, and I lose my direction and focus! 

2) My other trigger is when I wait too long to eat... I need to carry snacks with me so when I do get busy - I can grab a quick snack and not be ravenous when I do eat. 

3) Set yourself up for success... keep fruits and veggies on hand, already cut up so I can grab them and go! 


Assignment #8: Know you numbers  (10/6/13)

A) How many pounds will you lose to achieve your 5% weight loss?

      Me 150.0 X .05 = 7.5 pounds

     Current Weight: 150.0 pounds 
     Target Weight: 142.5 pounds 
      By When: December 7, 2013

B) Calories / Calorie Burn

      Calories Daily - 1200 - 1550

      Calories to burn (Weekly) - 1150



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