SparkPeople - The SparkDiet

They have great motivation cards... see to the left.
So to start they have a stage based SparkDiet... the first stage is "Fast Breaks" - Helps you focus on smaller goals - which are stepping stones for PROGRESS!
The first step in FAST BREAKS is "knowing what you eat" - I feel like this is for the beginner - one who never tracked their food before. I've been doing this for a while (on another site *gasp*) but what an eye opener! There are pros and cons to tracking your food though. When your tracking and eating healthy.... big smiley face. When you mess up, have a bad day, and you STILL track your food - you feel bad about .... yourself. Which is not what this is about... you have to be able to take the good and bad and not take it personal. That may sound strange but you are human so you're going to have less healthy choices some days. It's OK.
The key to making healthy food choices is PLANNING - plan your meals - Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner and Snacks. It takes a little time in the beginning but once you make it a habit you'll wondered why you never did it before.